Friday, April 30, 2010

Work or Fun

So since I started working for the farm I am torn between doing farm work and actually taking a day off. There is never an end to the piles of bills coming in, the papers that need to be signed and the contracts that need to be gone over...Luckily for me so far hubby has to be the one to sign the contracts! But today I had planned to go to my hometown and visit my brothers family and see their newest little addition. But as I sit here I realize that I can't take a whole day off without feeling guilty, so my day trip has been scaled back to a half day trip and I am going to attempt to tackle the farm bills....that is if little boy here will cooperate, he is as we speak screaming my name and blowing on a wooden flute!

We are still waiting for the exchange student to get his social security has been applied for but we kinda need a social security number to pay him, and well he needs to be pretty sure I just broke the law and entered a false SS# into our payroll system till we get is not like I stole some random persons number, I used my hubby's! But that way I can at least get him a paycheck...

Yesterday I did the mountain of laundry that accumulates from 5 people in one house....If I counted correctly I did 8 loads...and those are front load washer loads...and I still have one in the dryer and one in the washer to finish...Now I know why those old time families with 15 kids only let their kids have 2 outfits...less to wash!

Still trying to get back on track here after having my best friend come is really easy to stay connected to her thru email...but then we get to see each other and I realize how much I miss just having her around...It is just not the same to tell her something funny over email, when I know in person she will wrinkle her nose and squinch up her eyes and it will be twice as funny!

Okay off to tackle those bills and payroll, and maybe get a shower before I head out.....

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